Monday, April 30, 2007

Uncle's day

Today we were discussing the upcoming Mother's Day with Gwenchik and that we will make together presents for both grandmothers.
Gwen: What about Papa?
Me: In a few weeks we will have Papa's day too.
Gwen: Hmmm... What about uncle's day? You know, I have a lot of uncles and I have to start making presents for all of them now

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Point, counterpoint

From George
Gwen: (Happily) When I get older, I'll be able to do anything I want!
Gwen: (Sadly) But when I get older, you and Mama are going to die.

I reassure her that Mama and I are going to be around a long time, and we'll even be around when she has daughters of her own.

Gwen: (Happily) When I get older, I'll have many, many daughters!
Me: How many?
Gwen: (Happily) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, sixteen, thirteen, fourteen, eighteen, nineteen!
Gwen: (Sadly) But sometimes they won't do what I want.

Friday, April 20, 2007


From George
Gwyneth is taking a doll to day care with her.
Gwen: Papa, my baby wants to hear a story, please.
Me: What a polite baby!
Gwen: Yes she is.
Me: Does your baby want a Russian or an English story?
Gwen: Either one, she understands Russian and English.
Me: What a smart baby!
Gwen: Yes she is. But I'm even smarter. I can take off my pajama top and my pajama bottom all by myself, and put them under the pillow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Gwenchik really wants to stay at home with her grandparents. So every morning for the last several days she says that she is sick.
Me: What hurts?
Gwen: My toes, my legs, my arms, my stomach, my head and my hair!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


From Veronika
Veronika: Where are we going?
Gwen: The moon. (thinking) No we can't go to the moon in this car.
Veronika: I agree, but why?
Gwen: Car needs the road. The moon is up there.
Veronika: So how can we get to the moon?
Gwen (excited): Need an airplane!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


From Veronika
Gwenchik (out of the blue): "I want to be very beautiful"
Veronika: Oh. Good.
Gwen: Unfortunately, it is a lot of work.
Gwen: One needs a dress, shoes.One needs to be like a princess.
Veronika: You can be like a princess with any dress and any shoes.
Gwen: Really?

Sunday, April 8, 2007


I have been quite sick for the last several days with a fever running around 102.5, so Gwenchik was not really allowed near me for the fear of her catching the virus. So runs upstairs, covers me with her blue favorite cap and says:
Gwen: Mom, it will help. It will make you feel better! Don't you think that I am so kind?
Then runs downstairs.
Next day she drew me a lovely get well card :)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Continue with the Snake theme

We agreed that Gwenchik will not talk about snakes, point them out or draw my attention to them in any shape.15 minute repetitive chant

Gwen: Mommy is afraid of something, but I am not going to tell.
Me: Gwenchik, I thought we agreed not to mention you-know-who
Gwen: I do not, I just sing a song without mentioning snakes

Sunday, April 1, 2007


At home I speak Russian with Gwenchik and George speaks English. Recently, Gwenchik discovered that I am morbidly afraid of snakes, which absolutely fascinates her. So every now and than she would begin discussion on the subject of my fear of snakes and we agreed that we will not talk about you-know-what

Gwen: Papa, I have a secret about mama, and I will whisper so that she would not know. Mama is afraid of .....
than she terns to me and asks
Gwen: Mama, how is you-know-what we do not talk about in English?
Me: Snake
Gwen: Papa, she is afraid of snakes!!!!! But do not say the word out loud otherwise she is afraid!