Friday, September 28, 2007

Wish to rule them all

We are trying to teach Gwenchik to keep her room clean and are considering introducing a point system. So, we were discussing it with Gwenchik this evening.
Me: If you keep you room clean, you'll accumulate points. And when you get enough points, we will make one of your wishes come true. A reasonable wish.
Gwen: Great! just for keeping my room clean, right?
Me: Yes.
Gwen: You when I get enough points, which will probably take a long time... but then I will get my wish
Me: What do you think you first wish would be?
Gwen: That I make decisions for a day. That way, I will get many, many wishes!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Gwenchik normally sleeps with her favorite Duck. Tonight, while crawling into bed and goofing around,
Gwen: Where is my Rabbit?
Me: You do not have a Rabbit
Gwen: Of course I do, it is my Duck
Me: Why would you call you Duck a Rabbit?
Gwen: Well, you call me Rabbit (Zaychik in Russian) all the time, and I am really not a rabbit, right? So I call my Duck a Rabbit too...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Birthday party

We had an absolutely wonderful birthday party, as the weather cooperated, almost all the kids showed up (24!) and our castle and dragon withstood the wind and the lashings from the toy swords. We got to find the magic key, looked for gold coins and begged the pirate to spill his secrets.
This morning she had a princess ring on each of her fingers (with lip gloss) and requested to take a cake to the day care.
Gwen: Mom, I am four! So now I can wear all my jewelry at once.
Me: It is ok, but remember, that you have to share.
Gwen: I am bringing a cake so that they can all celebrate my birthday. It would be again so much fun, even without the presents! They get the cake, they do not need my rings, right?

Monday, September 17, 2007

One and only

Gwenchik wakes up this morning, to check first thing if TODAY is her birthday.
Gwen: It is today, right?
Me: No, it is in 6 days
Gwen: But remember, I get to decided everything, except when to go to sleep, right?
Me: Right
Gwen: You are my one and only favorite MOM!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Know your favorites

This morning I came down to wake Gwenchik.
Me: How did you sleep? Did you have any interesting dreams?
Gwen: Oh yes. There was a horse with large wings.
Gwen: You were flying on this horse to save me. And it was red, your favorite color; and it had a mini piglet on the side as well--your favorite animal

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Gwenchik saw us kissing and wondered why other parents kiss their kids on the lips and we do not.
Me: When you grow up and marry, you can kiss your husband on the lips.
Gwen: I only want to marry Daddy! And you said that I can't, because he will have to go to prison. And it is so hard to find a husband.
Me: Do not worry about it now, it is a bit early for that.
Gwen: You know, I do not need a husband. I'll just live with Lina or Jasmin or Nastya (her girlfriends) and we would have a daughter and can kiss anyway we like!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First day at day care bargain

Today was the first day at a new English only day care. Gwenchik dressed up and, with her new lunch box in hand, marched to the playground tagging me along. She refused to let go of my hand, though there was her favorite boy Lesha at the playground, that she know really well.
Me: Gwenchik, I need to leave for work.
Gwen: No, I do not want you to go.
Me: You know, if everything works well today at day care I will try make one of your reasonable wishes come true.  (I thought, probably ice-cream and such)
Gwen (easily letting go of my hand): Well, I will get to sleep in my dress! Any dress I choose tonight!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Fairy dust

We stopped by Christmas Tree shop, and Gwenchik begged to buy her a set of fairy wings. As soon as we paid, she put them on.
Gwen: I want to fly, but I can't.
Me: Try jumping and flapping your hands
Gwen: Mom, you can't really fly like that, dont you know it? I need a magic wand and fairy dust. Where can I get some magic dust?
When people stopped on the street and told her what a pretty fairy she was, she replied that these are just toy wings, why can't they see it.