Friday, February 20, 2009

The God of Fragments

From George
One evening, while we're dining together.
Gwen: What do you think will happen if I take my glass, and your cup, and that mug, and another glass, and another cup, and wrap them all around my fingers?
George: I think they'll all fall to the floor, and you'll have a lot of sharp broken fragments.
Gwen: Oh no. The God of Fragments won't let that happen.
George: Who is that?
Gwen: I have this book, this very old book, all falling apart. This book tells about the God of Fragments. Only this book tells about him. And if the God of Fragments wants, he can put all the sharp fragments together again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Transpostation discoveries

We just got back from a trip to New York, where we spent all together 2 days, finally arriving back home in Boston in a midst a mild snow storm in the dead of night yesterday. My daughter was counting all the modes of transportation that we used:

Gwen: Bus, tram, mono-rail, train, taxi....
Me: Which was you favorite one?
Gwen: Mono-rail. It was really fast and we were flying through the sky.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Real love

On the way to daycare, Gwenchik was looking over the Valentines Day cards and guessing what she will for sure get today and lamenting:

Well, the real Valentines Day is tomorrow. And my real love, Alexei is no longer at daycare. Can we celebrate the real holiday tomorrow with him?
Me: Let me see if we can arrange to meet up tomorrow...
Gwen: I need to think of a real present now.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Future profession

Me: Who do you want to be when you grow up?
Gwen: A parent.
Me: Well, I am talking more about a profession.
Gwen: Doctor-teacher-parent.
Me: How is that?
Gwen: I will be a doctor who will teach parents!