Monday, November 30, 2009

Future husband considerations

In one of our mother-daughter conversations we got around to talking about kissing and getting married.
Gwen: Who do you think I should marry?
Me: I think you need to wait just a bit more for that.
Gwen: I know, I know... but if I were to get married now -- who do you think would be best?
After my suggestion of a younger boy Misha
Gwen: No, ALL husbands are older!
Me: Well, no. You know aunt Yana who is older that her husband.
Gwen: Hmm. She is? Well, I guess Misha wouldn't be that bad and he is more likely to take care of me.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Santa's list

Gwenchik and a friend decided it was about time to write a letter to Santa. So they locked themselves in a room ... 5 minutes later
Gwen: Mom, I need you to help me.
Me: What, with the spelling?
Gwen: No. I do not know want I want and if I do not come up with something --- I'll get nothing and then I will be really upset.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

School report card

We got Gwenchik's first school report card this weekend and had to sit down and go over it with her. She is doing great academically and even got a few outstanding, but following the rules and routines are not her strong points.

Gwen: Well, I am doing even better than I thought. They didn't tell you half the things we do in school! :) Yes, yes, I'll follow the rules, but often they make them up as they go along!