Friday, May 21, 2010

When I was your age

Every time I tell Gwenchik that when I was her age I used to do this or that without much assistance from my parents ...
Gwen: Of course, you did it by yourself. Life in Russia was really hard, right?
Not sure where she got this from, as my life was actually really easy

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

What a lovely surprise -- Gwenchik and George prepared a feast for me in a finely decorated room with beautiful cards, actual long letters listing my many virtues, fireplace and presents :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ten deeds of the day

1. Packaged pennies and dimes into rolls
2. Went to the bank to exchange for real paper money ($20)
3. Symphony concert
4. Filled in application for a library card
5. Signed for Gwenchik's own library card
6. Selected ten books to read
7. Told all the neighbors about the money and the library card :)
8. Math homework
9. Several chess games with Dad
10. Make pancakes with Mom