Friday, December 30, 2011

Undeniable logic

We were all watching "Prince Caspian" together and Gwenchik understandably tended to cover her eyes and ears during the battle scenes.
Gwen: Tell me when Peter wins the fight with the bad guy.
Me: I am not sure he actually does, he is already wounded and the bad guy is not really playing fair...
Gwen: Of course he does, because he is listed in the next movie in the series.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Professional conversation

My friend Ksenia is staying with us for the holidays. Gwenchik wanted to know what exactly Ksenia does for a living. The way Ksenia explained internal audit consulting:
Ksenia: I visit different companies and I just give them advise....
Gwen: And people actually PAY for this?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Low present expectations

We got this really cool present for Gwenchik and I couldn't resist and asked if we could give it to her before Santa flies in.
Gwen: You didn't get me a math book as a present, did you?
Me: ?
Gwen: Well, OF COURSE, I would be happy with the book... but mom, what kind of parents give a math book to their child for a holiday! When I grow up and have kids, I will never give books that you need to learn from as presents!
What does it say about us as parents if our child automatically expects getting a math book as a present? Of course we didn't dissuade her from her erroneous notion, but it was nice that even though she was disappointed, she still tried to pretend that she was happy with the present, just to please us. She is really sweet and I can't wait to see her face once she actually gets her present. :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Santa presents

Gwen: At school everyone knows that there is really no Santa and all the presents are bought by parents, which is kind of sad.
Me: Well, of course parents buy presents as it is a holiday, but Santa brings some too.
Gwen: Than why no one ever seen him? How can he really exist?
Me: He is a magical being, you know. So the entire point is to appear ONLY when everyone is asleep or not around.
Gwen: Ha, so no one really knows the truth, right? Do not tell anyone, but that means that I will get more than one present, right? You, Dad, Santa -- as least three.....