Wednesday, June 22, 2022

On the need to say funny things

 The family is having dinner at home.

George: Gwen, I resurrected the blog about you as you wanted, but you need to say funny things if you want me to add to it.

Gwen: OK, I will try to say funny things.

Alexandra: This exchange, you should put this exchange in the blog.

George: Why? There is nothing funny about this, it's just a statement of fact.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The cat has turned mean

 Gwyneth is back from college for the summer.

Gwen: This cat has turned mean since I was gone.

George: I haven't noticed that, she's pretty calm.

Gwen: Look, I'll prove it.

Gwyneth hisses at the cat. The cat looks at her warily.

She wiggles her fingers at the cat, aggressively. The cat looks at her even more warily.

Gwyneth hisses and wiggles her fingers at the cat. The cat has had enough and hisses back.

Gwen: See! She's mean!