The ongoing chronicle of a 3 year old (as of 2006) seeking enlightenment and an unlimited amount of sweets, and her parents' struggle to control the latter and help with the former.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Mother January
From George We gave Gwenchik a cat calendar. A few minutes later, we hear her saying to herself: "Once upon a time there was a Mommy cat, named January, and she had a daughter cat, February..."
Wow, that's the real magic wand! Thank you for the awakening of "Once upon a time there was..." While reading your "short" post, I was touched by the love of the eternities and thus recovered from all my worries.
1 comment:
Wow, that's the real magic wand! Thank you for the awakening of "Once upon a time there was..."
While reading your "short" post, I was touched by the love of the eternities and thus recovered from all my worries.
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