Driving back from our math class we were playing our usual word game: the next person has to call out a word that starts at the same letter as the previous one ended with.
We came across the word -- hymn and Gwenchik didn't know what that meant. So I tried to explain and even managed to sing a few lines of the old Soviet Union one that I remembered from childhood. And even though I know that the American one is "Star Spangled Banner" I couldn't remember it. Another word was labyrinth and again I was able to explain it, but then proceeded to tell the Greek myth about Theseus and Ariadne, but couldn't remember the finer points, just the main plot. So we agreed that once we get home we will ask Daddy about both the myth and the hymn and look it up on the internet.
Gwen: Mom if you do not know the American hymn and do not remember why Ariadne was locked with the Minotaur --- what do you know? When I grow up will I forget everything as well?
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