Friday, October 28, 2011


Today died Betta fish that Gwenchik got for her birthday. She cried, and cried, and cried... she felt responsible as she sort of neglected it, though, I suspect that the fish was, unfortunately sick, to begin with.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life and fun

Gwenchik was working on a math problem and George explained that she really needs to solve it first before going to a Halloween city festival, as math is more important that festivals.
Gwen: But festivals are fun. What is the point of living if you do not have fun? Don't I only live once?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What good is an uncle?

When Gwenchik was really young, we were trying to discourage her sticking out her tongue at everyone everywhere and agreed that she could only do it to her uncle Roddy, but to him as much as she wanted to. He would visit once or twice a month and she would stick out her tongue, but for the rest of the time she would have to hold it in.

Today Gwenchik was reading comments left by her uncle.

Gwen: Next summer I should go to Russia to visit my grandparents and my uncle. Lately I feel like sticking out my tongue, but I can't. I can't stick it out at you, because you will get upset; I can't at school, because this is inappropriate. So my only recourse is my uncle and he is far away in Russia.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The judgment of Paris

I was cutting George's hair this morning.
Gwen: Why are you cutting Dad's hair?
Me: I like it when he wears it short, it looks neater.
Gwen: But why does he have to cut it? Only because you like it that way? I like him with longer hair. And now that winter is coming it is better to have longer hair, isn't it?
George: I want the hair cut that your Mom likes.
Gwen: That is not fair. You should listen to the person who spends more time with you and has to look at you more. And that person is me!  You drive me to school in the morning and when you get home from work you play board games with me -- all you do with Mom is sleep and how does that count?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why kids lie...

Gwenchik saw a chapter in the book "Nurtureshock: the new thinking about children" a chapter heading "why kids lie" and was surprised that people write books about it.
Gwen: Isn't that obvious?
Me: Do you know why?
Gwen: Of, course. Firstly, they lie not to get caught doing something bad; secondly, kids lie to not upset their parents; and thirdly, kids lie because they think that they can get away with it. Why is the book so thick?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Always 30 years

Gwen: How come in your diary you write pages and pages of stuff and I only wrote four sentences?
Me: Well, I started writing when I was your age, around eight years old, and now I am thirty eight, so I had many more years to learn how to write in my diary.
Gwen: So you will ALWAYS be thirty years older than me? That is a bit sad....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Risk taking

We went to the ocean during high tide while on the Cape. Gwenchik rushed down to the water rolling up her pants as she ran along.
Me: Gwenchik, please be careful and watch out for waves.
Gwen: I do not want to. I LIKE taking risks, because it is an adventure. I need more adventures in my life! Also you are here so nothing can happen to me, right?
8 years old -- needs adventure???

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Beloved Munchkin

Well, Munchkin is our game of choice now. After our first tournament, there is a lot of improvement -- she doesn't get upset, actually reads the cards and starts to strategize! Played two games yesterday and two today. Each day she won one game, so she is very satisfied :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Overflowing day

Gwenchik did her math homework in the morning, than went to Tae Kwon Do to test for a green stripe on her belt (she got it) and off to MIT to celebrate with Mexican food. Than we lucked out and managed to bike along the Charles river for 2 hours before it started to rain. Back home we organized our first kid-friendly board game  of "Munchkin".

Every Saturday seems to be overflowing with activities, so tomorrow just math and recovery time :)