Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Always 30 years

Gwen: How come in your diary you write pages and pages of stuff and I only wrote four sentences?
Me: Well, I started writing when I was your age, around eight years old, and now I am thirty eight, so I had many more years to learn how to write in my diary.
Gwen: So you will ALWAYS be thirty years older than me? That is a bit sad....


Roddy said...

Gwen, think of it this way, right now you're almost 5 times younger than your mom, but in 22 years you'll already be only half your mom's age.
So you're catching up.
When you're 1000000 years old, Alexandra will be 1000030 years old, and that's realy prety much the same age.

Alexandra said...

ha-ha :)