The ongoing chronicle of a 3 year old (as of 2006) seeking enlightenment and an unlimited amount of sweets, and her parents' struggle to control the latter and help with the former.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Today died Betta fish that Gwenchik got for her birthday. She cried, and cried, and cried... she felt responsible as she sort of neglected it, though, I suspect that the fish was, unfortunately sick, to begin with.
Don't feel bad Gwen. Fish don't have a very long lifespan, so your fish probably lived longer and happier with you then it would have if you weren't its owner. Imagine how much worse it's life would have been if i was its owner. If you look at my history with pets you will see: Fish that froze to death in the winter cause we left the window open. Those that survived that, got boiled a couple days later because their thermostat broke from the cold. Iguana that had its head sqished by the branch it lived on during our move from one house to another. Parrakeet that died from shock and pain when its leg got stuck in the bars of its cage, cause we didnt take the paper ring off its foot. The other parrakeet that few out the window and probably froze to death (it was november i think). The turtle that had its eyes gouged out by the iguana (mentioned above) cause we made them live in the same aquarium. Pet rabbit that my relatives cooked and fed us and told us it was chicken.... the list is longer, but its already depressing enough.
So know that your fish was LUCKY to have you and not someone like me or worse.
1 comment:
Don't feel bad Gwen. Fish don't have a very long lifespan, so your fish probably lived longer and happier with you then it would have if you weren't its owner.
Imagine how much worse it's life would have been if i was its owner.
If you look at my history with pets you will see:
Fish that froze to death in the winter cause we left the window open.
Those that survived that, got boiled a couple days later because their thermostat broke from the cold.
Iguana that had its head sqished by the branch it lived on during our move from one house to another.
Parrakeet that died from shock and pain when its leg got stuck in the bars of its cage, cause we didnt take the paper ring off its foot.
The other parrakeet that few out the window and probably froze to death (it was november i think).
The turtle that had its eyes gouged out by the iguana (mentioned above) cause we made them live in the same aquarium.
Pet rabbit that my relatives cooked and fed us and told us it was chicken....
the list is longer, but its already depressing enough.
So know that your fish was LUCKY to have you and not someone like me or worse.
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