Friday, November 23, 2007

Wishing on a cranberry

During the Thanksgiving dinner I was trying to make up a story so that kids would it something other than just sweets. So, I made up a story about a magic cranberry in the stuffing, so whoever finds it might get a wish granted.
Fedya: I already told all my wishes to Santa, so I do not need a magic cranberry, just to wait till New Year.
Nastya: I want to make the same wish as Gwenchik plus a dress
Gwen: I am not sure if it would work, but my wish is that mom would have to listen to me not the other way around. I want to make all the decisions around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cranberries are magical fruits with lots of appeal. I love them dried, in jam, in pie or any kind of story. You're very creative!