Thursday, September 30, 2010

Birthday poem

Gwenchik got this beautiful poem from her uncle Roddy who is now in Moscow....

Gwyneth Lea Isabella you are growing up so fast
And I'm sitting here in Moscow just remembering the past.
You'd beg me to spin you round, like a one wing carousel,
"Ну ещё разочик Дядя!" - крик, как только я присел.
Когда б в гости ни приехал, даже в позднюю пору,
Прочитать просила сказку аль сыграть с тобой в игру.
А теперь ты ходишь в школу, и наверно всех умней,
Я надеюсь удивляешь всех своих учителей.
Здесь в Москве забавы много, время мало чтоб скучать,
Но на твоё День Ражденье очень я хотел попасть...
Подарить тебе подарок, погонять твоих гостей,
Торт с тобою приготовить, угостить твоих друзей,
Вечером как все уедут уложить тебя поспать,
А на утро недоспавши, в "разбужалки" проиграть.
Сможешь мне в стихах ответить, что ты делаешь теперь?
Чем играешь, с кем гуляешь и какую ломишь дверь?
Маму с Папой почетаешь? Слушаешся ли ты их?
Или делаешь как хочешь позабыв совсем о них?
Кто важнее, ты иль Мама? Who is stronger, you or Dad?
Скажи правду, не стесняйся, are you good or are you bad?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Marriage prospects

Gwenchik and a friend are watching a Russian cartoon " Konek-gorbunok" where an old king wants to marry a young princess.
Nika: I wouldn't marry him.
Gwen: He is fat, lazy and old -- even if he is a king.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My vs Moms

During the conversation regarding the best way to make the bed...
Gwen: I know how to make up my bed in two ways.
Ksenia: What are the two ways?
Gwen: One is MY way, the other is acceptable to my Mom.

Friday, September 10, 2010

From the goodness of your heart

A friend of mine is visiting us and we are redecorating our living room. On the side we decided to make a few change to Gwenchik's room which eventually grew to a lot of changes. We are discussing that for the upcoming birthday the major redecoration of her room is her presents because we really didn't plan on it and Ksenia is doing it " from the goodness of her heart".
Gwen: Ok, than I do not want the redecorated room.
Me: Do you want us to put everything back as it were.
Gwen: No, I want to keep the new room, I just do not want it as a present. I already know about the redecoration and I want a surprise.
Me: So all the effort and labor and new stuff that we are buying doesn't count as a present? How do you expect to keep the new room?
Gwen: Hmmm, from the goodness of your hearts?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Birthday present check-in

Gwenchik is playing at the playground with her Dad and called me

Gwen: Mom, are you thinking about my birthday present?
Me: No yet, to be honest.
Gwen: Well, Dad isn't thinking about it and neither are you... so who IS thinking about my present?