Sunday, December 19, 2010


From George. We were driving by a pizza shop called Cinderella's that caught Gwenchik's attention.
Gwen: Look, Papa, Cinderella's! But it can't be real. They didn't have pizza in those times. Cinderella is from a long time ago, when Mom was born.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Appreciation notes

We have had a few scandals lately with Gwenchik, and it just seems harder and harder to communicate with her (and she is just 7!!!). Than she got really sick last night, so I spent the night comforting her and in the morning I sent her off to watch a cartoon, so that I can get at least an hour or two of sleep.

After I woke up, as I was coming down the stairs I noticed yellow sticky notes all over the stairwell:
"you are the best Mom", "you take care of me so well", "I love you".... she spent most of that hour writing these notes.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Candy and the president

After collecting a ton of candy during the Halloween celebrations we decided to donate the candy to be sent to the troops in Iraq. While sorting the candy..
Gwen: Mom, are you sure the troops will get this candy?
Me: Yes, why?
Gwen: Who is in charge of the troops in Iraq?
Me: In general, the President.
Gwen: Well, they might get all this candy, but are you sure the President will not make rules that they can only eat one candy a day or no chocolate candies, for example?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Funny genes

Gwen: Genes are funny things.
Me: How so?
Gwen: Dad is nearsighted, and you are normal and now I am in between....

Friday, October 22, 2010


Gwenchik was telling me how her day went.
Gwen: Brandon, the boy who wants sex with me...
Me: WHAT? What sex?
Gwen: The regular one.
Me: What is sex? Regular at that?
Gwen: You are an adult and you do not know???
Me: Not really.
Gwen: Well, it is love.
Me: I think love and sex are two different things, that is why there are two different words; though often sex is an expression of love.
Gwen: You see, now you learning....

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Birthday poem

Gwenchik got this beautiful poem from her uncle Roddy who is now in Moscow....

Gwyneth Lea Isabella you are growing up so fast
And I'm sitting here in Moscow just remembering the past.
You'd beg me to spin you round, like a one wing carousel,
"Ну ещё разочик Дядя!" - крик, как только я присел.
Когда б в гости ни приехал, даже в позднюю пору,
Прочитать просила сказку аль сыграть с тобой в игру.
А теперь ты ходишь в школу, и наверно всех умней,
Я надеюсь удивляешь всех своих учителей.
Здесь в Москве забавы много, время мало чтоб скучать,
Но на твоё День Ражденье очень я хотел попасть...
Подарить тебе подарок, погонять твоих гостей,
Торт с тобою приготовить, угостить твоих друзей,
Вечером как все уедут уложить тебя поспать,
А на утро недоспавши, в "разбужалки" проиграть.
Сможешь мне в стихах ответить, что ты делаешь теперь?
Чем играешь, с кем гуляешь и какую ломишь дверь?
Маму с Папой почетаешь? Слушаешся ли ты их?
Или делаешь как хочешь позабыв совсем о них?
Кто важнее, ты иль Мама? Who is stronger, you or Dad?
Скажи правду, не стесняйся, are you good or are you bad?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Marriage prospects

Gwenchik and a friend are watching a Russian cartoon " Konek-gorbunok" where an old king wants to marry a young princess.
Nika: I wouldn't marry him.
Gwen: He is fat, lazy and old -- even if he is a king.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My vs Moms

During the conversation regarding the best way to make the bed...
Gwen: I know how to make up my bed in two ways.
Ksenia: What are the two ways?
Gwen: One is MY way, the other is acceptable to my Mom.

Friday, September 10, 2010

From the goodness of your heart

A friend of mine is visiting us and we are redecorating our living room. On the side we decided to make a few change to Gwenchik's room which eventually grew to a lot of changes. We are discussing that for the upcoming birthday the major redecoration of her room is her presents because we really didn't plan on it and Ksenia is doing it " from the goodness of her heart".
Gwen: Ok, than I do not want the redecorated room.
Me: Do you want us to put everything back as it were.
Gwen: No, I want to keep the new room, I just do not want it as a present. I already know about the redecoration and I want a surprise.
Me: So all the effort and labor and new stuff that we are buying doesn't count as a present? How do you expect to keep the new room?
Gwen: Hmmm, from the goodness of your hearts?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Birthday present check-in

Gwenchik is playing at the playground with her Dad and called me

Gwen: Mom, are you thinking about my birthday present?
Me: No yet, to be honest.
Gwen: Well, Dad isn't thinking about it and neither are you... so who IS thinking about my present?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Flawed counting

George was doing his push-ups and Gwenchik volunteered to help count.

Gwen: One, two... four.
George (breathing heavily) I already did seven!!
Gwen: Ok, ok -- let's start over again.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Little show off

On a playground in Moscow talking with a boy and his Mom:
Gwen: So in what country do you like to live in and what language is your favorite?
Boy: Russia, and of course, Russian -- why? (the boys was really surprised by the question, probably doesn't get many like this one)
Gwen: Well, I am just visiting Moscow, but I live in Boston and speak both Russian and English!
Boy's Mom: How lovely! So where do you like it best in Moscow or Boston?
Gwen: To be honest, in Toronto, Canada --- there are museums, swimming pools, etc....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

We are off to Moscow

Today we are finally off to Moscow for our long awaited vacation and the very first visit to her mother's homeland for my daughter. Gwenchik woke up at dawn and has been asking every 10 minutes
Gwen: When are we going to go to the airport?
Me: At 1 o'clock
Gwen (9:15): Are we going soon?
Gwen (9:30): Is it time to go?
I have 4 more hours of this....

Friday, June 4, 2010

I wish...

We are walking back from school and were playing "i wish" game...
Gwen: I wish Lesha had a sister.
Me: Why?
Gwen: Then he could learn how to correctly play with girls.

Friday, May 21, 2010

When I was your age

Every time I tell Gwenchik that when I was her age I used to do this or that without much assistance from my parents ...
Gwen: Of course, you did it by yourself. Life in Russia was really hard, right?
Not sure where she got this from, as my life was actually really easy

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

What a lovely surprise -- Gwenchik and George prepared a feast for me in a finely decorated room with beautiful cards, actual long letters listing my many virtues, fireplace and presents :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ten deeds of the day

1. Packaged pennies and dimes into rolls
2. Went to the bank to exchange for real paper money ($20)
3. Symphony concert
4. Filled in application for a library card
5. Signed for Gwenchik's own library card
6. Selected ten books to read
7. Told all the neighbors about the money and the library card :)
8. Math homework
9. Several chess games with Dad
10. Make pancakes with Mom

Friday, April 23, 2010

Selective hugging

George has been sick for the last few days, so he is trying to avoid interacting with Gwenchik as to not to pass the germs.
Gwen: Oh, how I miss my Daddy. When can I see him so that I can hug him?
Me: You know that he is sick, so wait another day or two -- he should get better. And you can hug me instead. I can't say I got to many hugs today.
Gwen: I am with you all day, so there is no reason to hug you as much -- I do not miss you. Now when you are not around, than I miss you more than Dad and want to hug you. Don't you know by now that this is how it works?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spelling challenge

Gwenchik is doing great at school and the only thing that we need to work a bit on is spelling... so today as we walked home from school we decided to play a spelling game.
Me: Spell "about"
Gwen: a-b-o-u-t
Me: Great! Your turn.
Gwen: Hmm, you are a grown up and you know everything so the word has to be bigger than "about". Ok, spell supercalifragilisticexpialidociou.....

Saturday, April 3, 2010


The last few days were surprisingly hot here and we have been spending a lot of time outside on the playground.
Gwen: It is really hot. I should take all the clothes off and run around naked.
Me: Well, even though I understand you it is not really acceptable in society.
Gwen: Why?
Me: There are social rules of behavior...
Gwen: Who came up with those rules? In the museum there are lot of naked people so they were allowed to run around then, why not now?
How do you answer a question like that?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Presumption of innocence

I was summoned for jury duty and was trying to explain with Gwenchik what is it for starting with presumption of innocence.

Gwen: But what if the jury is bored or just do not like the person. You know so many people just look guilty....

Friday, March 5, 2010


After one of the awkward social gaffe's Gwenchik and I were discussing options on how to deal with something similar for next time.

Me: You know, you really should trust and listen to your parents on this one.
Gwen: I know and I do, but than you'll die and who would I listen to than?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What is really important

We spent an hour with a group of new kids -- singing, dancing and playing around. Ultimately, Gwenchik ended up running around like crazy playing catch up with them. As we are driving home she reflects:
Gwen: I was the fastest one, right?
Me: Yes, but is it really that important?
Gwen: Honestly yes, but if anyone else asks -- it is more important to play.

Have options...

Gwenchik overheard during one of our friends get together in our house as a friend's mother described how during the discussions about "future wife" her 6 year old son stated that Gwenchik is off the list -- she is his friend girl.
Gwen: Mom, why didn't you correct her?
Me: I should have? I thought you really liked Lesha the most.
Gwen: Well yes, but it is nice to have options. When I grow up I can than choose, right? Doesn't really need to happen now?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My own money

Gwenchik just came from her hockey practice -- all smiles. Often during or after practice kids ask for lollipops from the stand and once in a while we oblige Gwenchik as well. The last time we talked that we can buy a bag of these in CVS for about twice the price of one of them... and that got her thinking and planning...
Gwen: Mom, look what I bought with my own money! You know I took it out of my piggy bank.
Me: Nice friendship bracelet and a sticker for your helmet.
Gwen: Yes, the sticker is important and will stay forever. And the bracelet is better than a lollipop: you can't buy a bag of these in CVS, and anyways a lollipop would be gone in five minutes and all I would have to show for it is a blue tongue.