Sunday, December 16, 2007

Morning of the snowstorm

Gwenchik crawled into our bed on this snowy Sunday morning,
Gwen: Mom, why are you always so warm in bed?
Me: Because we sleep together with your Papa, and he is really warm
Gwen: Oh, and I sleep with the duck and sheep and many warm blankets.
George got up and went downstairs.
George: Gwenchik, do you want to come down with me?
Gwen: No, no. Mom and I are girls, so we stick together..., at least for a minute (then she runs off after him)
We were eating tuna sandwiches in bed and watching through the latest pictures of Gwenchik on my laptop.
Gwen: I want a snowstorm everyday
Me: Why?
Gwen: Because we get to make so many exceptions in bed: lay in, eat in and look at me being so pretty in pictures.

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